Friday, July 17, 2009

Unnecessary immigration neutralises economic stimulus

From Immigration Watch Canada:


A recent study by researchers at Australia's Monash University found that the Australian government's $42 Billion economic stimulus will be neutralized by Australia's unjustified and unnecessary high immigration levels. The stimulus is intended to protect Australian workers and their jobs.

Immigration to Australia will mean a total of around 140,000 new job seekers each year---at a time when the government itself is projecting no employment growth. A major reason for the 140,000 figure is that employer-sponsored visas to immigrants are inadequately regulated. Australian employers do not have to prove that Australian workers are unavailable for jobs. Also, Australian employers do not have to pay immigrants as much as they pay Australian workers. As a result, employers are abusing the program.

The Monash University researchers recommended the following:

(1) Priority should be given to how Australian training and mobility incentives can help Australian workers relocate to areas of skill shortages, not to removing obstacles to immigrant recruitment.

(2) Immigration should be strictly limited to those skills where there is a substantiated case that the skill cannot be obtained from within Australia.

(3) The range of occupations eligible for skilled immigration should be curtailed, particularly for employer-sponsored visas.

(4) Employers should have to provide proof that Australians are not available for the jobs in question.

The report was written by Bob Birrell, Ernest Healy and Bob Kinnaird. It is titled , "Immigration And The Nation Building and Jobs Plan": CPUR Bulletin, Centre for Population and Urban Research, Monash University, Melbourne, 2009. It is available at


Also see:

Rudd Govt's immigration programme a threat to Australian workers

Isn't it interesting how these findings have been almost completely ignored by the mainstream media here in Australia?

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